Monday 31 October 2011

2nd lip sync

This time i used flash in order to make the lip sync which took way too long! ha i could of added a bit more animation but i really wanted to concentrate on getting the lip sync right.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Lip Sync

I'm not happy with how this has turned out as there is to much of a jump from frame to frame, with the mouth being small then big. I'm going to try this but might try a bit more of a side view of the face. I think also I'm going to use a bit more of a slower dialogue as I think it will help with getting the timing right.

Monday 17 October 2011


With the walk cycle there is alot you have to think about just to do a straight forward walk, because the whole body moves. I could of made the head move a bit more up and down in Hinze sight to give him a bit more character, but I think it works alright how it issss

Friday 7 October 2011

Bouncing Ball!

This is my bouncing ball which was good for making think about squash and stretch and timing and also how things have got to be exaggerate in animation.